Saturday, November 15, 2008


Social etiquette, something so important yet often forgotten. I'm sure we have all been guilty of displaying bad manners. Ever felt annoyed at someone in the bus who puts his bag on the empty seat next to him and the bus is full? We often forget our manners, irking other people in the process.

Why do we need to have proper etiquette and manners? It makes us look good and other people around us will feel good and respected too. It prepares us for the many social situations that we will get caught in. It is also important for business settings. Meeting new friends and acing the job interview will be easier.
Having proper manners also means that you will not embarrass yourself or the person you are with.
Not knowing what to do in a social situation is not cool and makes you look bad. Being polite and courteous to others brightens up their day!

And it seems there is etiquette to be observed in the social media as well, I'll write more about that in the next post.


wanzihao said...

In the past, Chinese people focus on etiquette a lot. But, as the time passed, they have forgotten to being polite. So pity. Hope Singaporeans will not.

Syahir said... u make me feel bad about putting my bag on the empty seat beside me on the bus. However, i do agree that there are some etiquttes to follow when we are on the web..

WanTheWhoMan said...

i guess rules and regulations makes a great change to not only ourselves but others too.
It does good.Good posting. :)

Jensen said...

I agree that having good etiquette not only helps us with our image, but it also improves the quality of our lives as well as that of the others around us. afterall, we're the images that will be portrayed on the next generation, eventually affecting our lives, especially in the later years.

Cool. Your blog actually helps the society ny raising awareness of the need for good etiquette. Great job. =) (looking forward to more seats on the bus and less litter on in public places)

Ling said...

Haha, to Syahir, i think it's ok if the bus is not crowded or full.

wanthewhoman(I like ur nick) and jenson, thanks for the encouragement.

Zihao, I hope so too...

newmediascapes said...

Why do you think society is losing its social graces? What other forms of etiquette should we be concerned about?

Good idea to talk about netiquette! Looking forward to reading about it in your next post.